Wednesday, January 26, 2011

calling all super helpers!

if you have a toddler at home you may know the phrase, " calling all super readers," it is from a pbs show that my two love to watch. i actually don't need the help of the super readers right now to rewrite the story of some children's book, i need the help of some super helpers to help rewrite the story for ONE 17 year old mom. she and her too cute for words almost 2 year old are just trying to make it these days. this mom is 4 months away from graduating high school and really is in a bad spot.

you see at home things are just not too great, to say the least! these two have moved about 3 times in the last 4 months and their current situation is really a last resort. they are out of "good" options and really never had a wholesome option in the first place. the adult that they currently live with is NOT supportive of the mom OR the sweet 2 year old.

we all know that trials are a part of life and this momma is not exempt. even with the living situation bad, she also ran into some other bad luck last week. without going to much in to the child's life, (yes the mom), she needs some help!

what i am asking for is help in feeding these two sweet girls!!! yes, they are currently in a spot where food is not easy to get, and nothing is free in this situation.

so i am asking for help once again. i need groceries, gift cards to buy them and other meals for these two. currently sweet lil miss is living on junk food and lots of sugar, so much that her teeth are almost all rotted just from the juice she consumes each day. things like milk, fruit and even sandwiches are hard to come by for this crew.

like the other requests i have had, i do not know how this will look exactly or how the Lord will provide. i DO know that i will have to set up a system for getting any food items, meals and such and i will want to spread them out. the food items will be closely monitored at school thru the daycare. i am ONLY interested in feeding the mom and child. NO ONE else that is in their lives currently!!!!

can you help? thank you!!

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