Saturday, November 6, 2010

a new adventure.....

as this silly little adventure series finally comes to an end, i have to take a minute and acknowledge the end of something else. a very LONG year started in this house last october. it was a year full of interruptions, "or more recently termed, divine-interventions."

it was a year of disappointment, excitement, fear, faith, more excitement, more heartbreak, almost unbearable pain and loss, and confusion. nothing about it seemed to make sense, yet it all had a purpose and plan.

i was really trying to hold on to that last year of ups and downs. but i had to let go, have to live for this year, and these moments. i have learned that all we have is today, and really that is all that matters. no more long term plans, or worries about what anything will look like at any certain time in life. just today and just these memories.

i really want to make good memories from now on. no i don't think it is all going to be super rosy and fine all the time, but i am living expectantly. living with the desire to carry these burdens with contentment and comfort. knowing that He has not missed one minute of any of these events and will be there to walk me through the next.

honestly nothing about the last 3 years of our lives has made a whole lot of sense. but He has us here for a purpose and i will take joy in knowing He is using this time of "divine interventions" to allow us to be a part of His amazing plan. this is all i have and all i know to hold on to.

so with a joyful heart i will look forward to these next 12 months with excitement and anticipation to see what lies ahead.

thank you to any and all of you that have braved this year with us!

i am so blessed by so much!!!!

1 comment:

Courtney said...

yeah for the new computer. i know you are so excited! new comps are so fun!
i was beginning to wonder if we'd ever see your faces on here again:)
love being able to see your adventures from a world away!