Okay so I have been neglecting my blog friend a little bit here lately! I just happen to come across some books that have caught my attention and well I became obsessed. Briefly that is, or maybe I just do not currently own the next one in the series so until I do here are some pics to enjoy!!!
Below are Nate and the boys in his GIANT hole that he created from the stump he removed last week. Yeah for the stump removal, BOO for the hole right off my deck!! That is the stump still chained to the truck, which is how he managed to get it out.

Okay so the birthday is less than 4 days away but Mom could not wait any longer. Colby has never liked riding in the car, but is doing so much better now that he can sit up and see the world. So please don't report me, b/c if you do then you must drive Colby around from now on facing backwards!!

On Friday night we put on our best game faces and headed over to PHS for the Coming Home festivities! That is Tuck with his sweet date Sandy! Coming Home is the basketball version of Homecoming and the guys are the ones nominated! All of Tucks friends were involved so we had fun cheering them on!!

Then on Saturday night we had Nate back in town and we headed to the greatest show on earth! And man did it ever live up to its claim, we loved it! Cy liked any part that did not involve "the man with the big nose." Which means anytime the clowns were performing we had to sit in mom's lap with our eyes covered. However, Colby loved the lights and the animals. It was a great time!

We are looking forward to a great week of celebrating sweet Colby's first birthday! Hope to have lots of pics.