Tuesday, August 5, 2008

While Mom is away the boys will play!!

So for the last two evenings my boys have braved the fair while mom worked with the pageant. I had a blast and so did the boys. Last night I was told that at one point Nate left to take Cy to the restroom and a kind elderly couple watched Colby nearby. This is fine except that Nate did not know the kind elderly couple. Yikes is all I can say. Tonight the boys rode horses?? Both of them riding the same horse, by themselves. And Nate took a pic to prove it! What??!! Thankfully the pageants are over and I will now be around to keep one eye on this crazy group that I live with everyday!!
Cy please hold on to your brother!!


Ashley said...

I snorted out loud... I can really picture Nate leaving that sweet baby with those folks. And the horse picture... that one will be around for DECADES!!!

Oh and the cups... all before lunch (not just a day)

Courtney said...


Colby looks sooooo big on the pony! And the sweet elderly couple-Joe would trust them in a heartbeat too!I love how our husbands are so carefree:)

I know the boys had a blast!

sonya said...

this photo did it for me. my wednesday is offically off to a smooth start as the first thing i saw on my computer screen was these to sweet boys on that little bitty pony. doesn't get any better than that...

Sonja said...

Those are usually famous words out of someone's mouth if they are on Dateline or THS Investigates : " I left the kid with the nice elderly couple. I had no idea they were deranged....." Too funny.